The finishing chart for the first Nevada All-State 100 mile trail ride October 5, 1968.

1968 Nevada All-State Trail Riders 100-Mile Ride

Shannon: “This was my first 100 mile ride. Jeans and tall black hunt boots and a McClellan saddle. I still remember how my bum felt on that day. That year the trail was 125 miles long – no joke!
Blackjack had confirmation that allowed him to ‘sit in a pocket” and let those legs cover the ground. I’ve never seen a horse quite like him since. He was a character too. Blackjack also had a D-D brand on him. Don’t know what that stood for.”
1968 Nevada All-State Trail Riders 100-Mile Ride

Photo: Andrew Steen
1968 – Martha Merriam and Solo – Steen Arabian Ranch

That was the year Phil’s dog Snoopy did the ride too.”
Debbie Early, Louie Henderson, Martha Merriam, Wendell Robie, and Dru Barner in 1968 at the Steen Arabian Ranch

(* This record was broken in 2016 when Fire Mtn Destiny and Gina Hall finished the ride for the 12th time)
1969 Ride Meeting

1969 Virginia City 100 ride chart


1969 Virginia City 100 Winner (tie with Cliff Lewis & Blackjack)

1969 Virginia City 100 – Shannon Yewell Weil and Big Red

Later when we were literally racing along the long road heading towards Washoe Lake, Cliff and I were trotting at what Earl Guyton clocked at 26 mph and Sue and Witzarif were galloping to keep up with us. Sue exclaimed “I can’t believe this horse, he’s just amazing!’ Indeed he was.”
Connie: “I remember Witezarif wasn’t a fast trotter, but he could canter – light on his feet – mile after mile.”
1969 Virginia City 100

1969 Virginia City 100 Winners (tie)

“Blackjack was a phenomenal horse back in the day! He won the Mapes Cup Best Condition award in 1974 with Elsa Seeger.”
Sue Scantlebury receiving the Mapes Cup Best Condition award in 1969 for Witezarif.